
I want to be that mother who can stand up and say I am a strong confident mother and I know what is best for my children. We breastfeed and co sleep, We listen, We include, We eat chocolate and snot smoothies, we trampoline and grow frogs, we sling, we carry and we try and understand and work with our children without resorting to punishments, threats or coercion.

Friday 22 August 2014

Finally, the day has arrived!!

Monumentous occasion today for our wee family. 

We are finally flexi-schooling!! Many of you know I have always wanted to homeschool, so this is our compromise :)

We will be going to Nurture in Nature in the morning and then the girls will be going to RE in the afternoon. 

Of course on our first day of flexi, it is absolutely bucketing but that hasn't stopped the girls enthusiasm and the theme is water so that works!! 

We are kitted up and ready to greet nature and all her elements. 

A whole new chapter for us all. So very exciting!!!

Meltdowns - over a sugar packet!
Losing the plot - too busy 
Breastfeeding - unusually not in the rain today 

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